Carnelian is a brownish red, semi precious translucent to opaque gemstone from the mineral family of chalcedony. It is known as the stone of motivation, endurance, leadership and courage. India, Brazil, Siberia and Germany are the major sources of carnelian stones.

Chrome Diopside
Chrome diopside is a chromium-rich, green colored gem variety of the Diopside mineral. It is known for its internal clarity and intense glow which is rarely found in green gems. Despite its unmatchable beauty, this gemstone is quite affordable which makes it an easy jewelry piece to own.

Cats Eye
Cat’s Eye (Lahsuniya / Vaidooryam / Vaiduryam in Hindi) is a semi precious gemstone found in shades of colours like gray, black, honey and yellowish green.

Chrome Tourmaline
Chrome tourmaline is a rare and highly sought-after variety of natural tourmaline gemstone that displays a highly desirable green color and extraordinary brilliance. These qualities make Chrome tourmaline an excellent gemstone for jewelry. It can be worn as the substitute of Emerald gemstone and October month birthstone to gain prosperity, health and happiness in life.

Chrysoberyl is a stunning, healing gemstone with assured benefits and bespoke jewelry qualities. The Cat’s eye variant of Chrysoberyl gemstone also holds some impeccable astrological benefits.

Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye (Lehsunia)
Cats eye chrysoberyl is a highly sought-after gem variety of the Chrysoberyl mineral family. It exhibits a strong cats eye effect with sheer detail, making the term Cat’s eye interchangeable for Chrysoberyl gemstone This gemstone can surpass other cats eye stones in terms of color and clarity as well. Regarded as Ketu stone in vedic astrology, it can be worn to gain lost wealth, social reputation, self-control and spiritual awareness.

A semi-precious green and blue color gemstone worn to bring peace and calmness into life. It makes a stunning statement piece of jewelry which can be worn in any occasion.

Citrine (Sunela)
Citrine (meaning Sunela in Hindi) is a natural, yellow to golden brown colored, semi-precious gemstone from the Quartz mineral family. According to the Vedic astrology, this gemstone is worn as the substitute (upratna) of precious Yellow Sapphire to gain wealth, good social status, higher knowledge, health and progeny bliss. It is also regarded as the alternate birthstone of November in the western astrology.

Colombian Emeralds / (Colombian Panna)
Colombian emerald Colombian Panna is the most sought-after and highly valuable variety of emerald gemstone. It is hugely popular for its bright green hue, relatively superior clarity and high astrological value. Vedic astrologers consider this gemstone highly effective for financial success, knowledge growth and good health. It is also the birthstone of May as per western astrology.

Color Change Fluorite
Color Change Fluorite is a rare and unique fluorite gemstone known for its interesting color-changing ability. It changes its color from vivid blue or blue-green in white light (fluorescent) to lovely pink or deep purple in the yellow light. Because of this beautiful ever-changing look, this gemstone is highly coveted by the jewellery makers and gem collectors.

Color Change Sapphire

Cornflower Blue Sapphire
Cornflower blue sapphire is the most sought after and highly precious color variety of Blue Sapphire stone. This gemstone is characterised by its vivid, pure blue hue (closely resembling cornflower color) that is usually found in medium to light tone. Being a finer quality gem, Cornflower blue sapphire is highly recommended for astrological uses. It can also be worn as the September month birthstone.

Cubic Zirconia
Cubic Zirconia (also known as American Diamond or CZ) is a colorless synthetic gemstone used mainly for jewelry purposes.

Cultured Pearls
A pearl develops inside the “Mollusk”. An oyster farmer inserts an irritant inside the Mollusk which initiates the pearl forming process.

Danburite is a mineral of the calcium boron silicate kind that is usually colorless but also occurs in colors such as pink, yellow, golden, blue, etc.

Emerald (Panna)
Emerald is a green colored, highly precious gemstone of the Beryl mineral family. It is one of the most reputed gemstones in vedic astrology worn for success in businesses & jobs, creative or intellectual pursuits and knowledge seeking ventures.

Ethiopian Emerald
Ethiopian emerald is a newly discovered variety of natural emerald gemstone mined from the Ethiopian region. It is recognised for its deep green hue, fine clarity, brilliant luster and exceptional size. These high-quality, precious, green emeralds are collectable and are highly recommended for astrological and jewelry purposes. This gemstone can also be worn as May month birthstone.

Ethiopian Opal
Ethiopian Opal is the newest variety of precious opal gemstone resourced from the Wollo Province of northern Ethiopia. The beautiful opals from Ethiopia show amazing play-of-color in varied body color and patterns. This variety is getting hugely popular in the market because of its high-end beauty and reasonable prices.

Fire Opal
Fire Opal is a vibrant, colourful, precious gem variety from the Opal family with fiery body hues ranging from yellow, orange to red, brown and green. Fire opal comes with or without the magnificent play of color. In western culture, this gemstone is worn as October birthstone and is also recommended for healing purposes.

Fluorite (Fluorspar)
Fluorite is a semiprecious gemstone from the Halide mineral family which is found in a wide variety of colors ranging from green, purple, blue, white, pink, yellow, red, brown, grey, black, colorless, multi-colored and banded also. With its unmatchable beauty and luster, this gemstone can bring great value to any jewellery line. These colourful crystals are also used for healing and protection.

Freshwater Pearls
Freshwater pearls are best known for their unique shapes and wide range of colors. Their rich, bright luster and unique charm will last a lifetime.

Garnet stone is a semi-precious gemstone available in varieties of colours. It is a birthstone of January, and best known for its healing properties.

Green Amethyst (Prasiolite)
Green Amethyst or Prasiolite is a light green-colored, transparent, semi-precious gemstone of Quartz mineral family. It is considered highly effective healing gemstone and is also worn to gain spiritual serenity, better communication skills, higher self-esteem and a healthy body.

Green Sapphire
Green Sapphire is a green colored, rare and precious gemstone of the Corundum mineral family. In Vedic astrology, this gemstone represents planet Mercury and is worn to bring calmness and positivity, improve concentration, self-confidence and overall mental health. It is also recommended as an effective healing stone for varied healing therapies.

Green Tourmaline (Verdelite)
Green Tourmaline or Verdelite is a natural, semi-precious, green colored Tourmaline gemstone. According to vedic astrology, this gemstone can be worn as a substitute of emerald to gain better intellectual ability, refined oratory skills and good health. Due to its vibrant color and luster, it is also regarded as an excellent gemstone for jewelry.

Heliodor is a natural, semi-precious gemstone from the Beryl family which is a stunning golden-green or yellow-green in colour. Vedic astrology recommends Heliodor stone to be worn as the astrological substitute of Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) to gain higher knowledge, financial prosperity, nobility, and leadership qualities.

Hessonite (Gomed)
Hessonite is a deep brown or honey colored, semi-precious gemstone from the grossular Garnet mineral family. It is worn to overcome negative effects of Rahu as well as to gain power, wealth and success in public careers, jobs and businesses.

Indian Emerald (Indian Panna)
Indian emerald is a medium to dark green colored variety of emerald gemstone originated in India. It is majorly used for ornamental and astrological purposes. Vedic astrology recommends emeralds to be worn for success in business, studies and creative career. It is also regarded as May month birthstone in the western astrology.

Insignificant Oil Emerald
Insignificant oil emerald is a superior quality emerald gemstone that undergoes lesser degree of clarity enhancement. The term ‘Insignificant oil’ clearly indicates that a very little oil or foreign substance has entered the emerald stone due to the presence of minimum surface-reaching inclusions. Such fine quality emeralds are quite rare and are highly desirable for astrological and collection purposes.

Iolite (Neeli)
Iolite (Neeli or Kakaneeli in Hindi) is a violet-blue colored, semi-precious gemstone from the Cordierite mineral family, which exhibits unique visual property called pleochroism. As an astrological substitute of Blue Sapphire (Neelam), it is worn to achieve professional success, financial stability and mental strength.